PLEASE NOTE!  I've been informed (and duly disciplined) that this site apparently is an embarrassment to the "management" even though the content of it is, in their words, "of no concern" to them -- due to the fact that the URL contains the letters "TYCGIDDINGS".  Furthermore, I've been told to change the site name to "avoid further disciplinary measures".  Does that make sense?  They say the current website name could somehow give the public a poor impression of the Agency, even as they fail to acknowledge said content.  I can't figure it out, either, but will comply and move on.  As of 10-28-11 this site will be officially deactivated (unless I choose to grieve the imposed discipline) and the NEW site address will be found at http://tdjj.yolasite.com.  It's already in its beginning stages, so go ahead and check it out!  Prepare to be treated to a site where anything goes... and say goodbye to "OFFICER FRIENDLY".  Enough BULL!

TYCGIDDINGS is intended as a free speech and information forum for JCO's 1-4 who work on dorms at the Texas Youth Commission correction facility in Giddings, Texas. 


If you are under the age of 18, please go HERE.

TYC seems to be undergoing some alarming changes lately. As JCO's we have a responsibility to work together for our own safety, security, and emotional/mental well being.  Either we all hang together, or we all hang seperately.  Our choice, folks. 

The timely truth of what's been going on at TYC Giddings CAN be told, SHOULD be told, and now, WILL be told. We have the right to be unafraid in addressing our legitimate and honest concerns to those above us in the TYC orgainzation, and/or our State legislators, who can help promote a safe and healthy working environment.

Be advised the webmaster of this website fully supports official TYC policies and legal rights in regards to the confidentiality of TYC youth information. 


Yes, it's true. You too can earn 32% LESS than the average JCO nationwide. Click HERE to compare statistics. My personal experience? Don't count on any support from the State Workers Union.

If working at Giddings State School still sounds like a good idea after looking over the rest of this site, click to GET A JOB with us here if that's what you want. There's ALWAYS openings!

Are we getting injured on the job? Are the kids? According to THIS ARTICLE in the NY TIMES, "The commission tracked 11,881 uses of force from September 2006 to September 2007, including pepper spray and grappling holds" and that "One-third of the departing officers were fired for poor performance, falsification of applications or inappropriate conduct, including physical abuse of detainees." Ouch.
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